Worship at 10:00am
Igniting An Impassioned Prayer Life by Pastor Tom Stuart
Recordings divided into 8 half hour segments
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Click here to visit tomstuart.org
TOM STUART became a Christian as a twenty-five year old postgrad student through a radical conversion from agnosticism to faith in Jesus Christ. Since receiving a call to the ministry at that time, he has pursued a life of serving the Lord as a pastor, teacher, church planter and business entrepreneur. He is presently a leader at the Twin Cities Justice House of Prayer. His passion is to raise up a praying and prevailing church that will answer Jesus’ mandate to be a house of prayer for all nations.
This practical audio teaching is presented for people just like you, people who love God, but struggle in their personal prayer lives. It provides a remedy for those who carry nagging regret for not praying as frequently and as fervently as they desire.